My Technical Pages...

I am an engineer by training and profession.  I work at in the Research Lab at Ford Motor Company.  As such I tend to look at things with an engineering eye.  Some of the information here gets a bit technical, but I try to keep it simple and practical.  You will find very little theory here and almost no equations.  There are lots of illustrations and graphics.  I am a firm believer in the old saying " a picture is worth a thousands words."

Aerodynamics - I have a B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering so when the question came up about the relative aerodynamics of the three main Type 3 body styles, I did a little digging and came up with some data for the Type 3 and cars in general.  I used these to draw some conclusions about the Type 3 and to come up with some ideas for improving the aerodynamics of our favorite cars.

Lowering - This is NOT a "how-to", but a look at the consequences to suspension geometry and handling if you lower a Type 3 VW.  It is still a work in progress, since the results so far are inconclusive.

Composites - This is my area of expertise.  My Master's Degree is in Structural Composite Design.  I have been doing product and process development  in composites for the past 15 years.  There is basic material and fabrication information and a list of possible resources and suppliers.

Door Drains - This is a recurring question about the Type 3.  I have posted some pictures and information to help find and clean out these important, but simple, elements of the Type 3 door.

I hope you find something useful here.  As always comments and suggestions are always welcome.  Just click on Contact Me and let me know what you think.