Saturday Dinner Details
We have always planned a dinner together somewhere on Saturday evening
of the Invasion. We usually just invade a local restaurant, but
we end up scattered about trying to seat us all. At some of the past Invasions we have reserved a space and catered in the Saturday night meal and that has
Invasion site and we all got to sit together and socialize and it
worked out great.
This year we are doing something similar. Our host, Keith Park, have lined us up with the War Cannon Spirits Loft for our
dinner. War Cannon will be serving a buffet-style meal for us. Details are below.
Price: $25 per person and that includes gratuity
Menu: Brisket
Pulled Pork
Mac & Cheese
Garden Salad
Chocolate Temptation Cake
Pistachio Ricotta Cake
Cash Bar for Soda/Pop and Adult Beverages
Based on the Invaders List and the folks that have said they plan to attend the Saturday Dinner, we have planned and pre-paid for 40-45 folks. We will collect up from folks throughout the day on Saturday and have wristbands for folks that have paid. We can also collect at the dinner venue.
Location Details:
War Cannon Spirits Loft
2849 NYS Route 9N
Crown Point, NY 12928
Please let me know if you have any questions.