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Toby's 2002 Invasion Pics

PerL's 2002 Invasion Pics


Welcome to the official site of the 2010 Type 3 VW Invasion!

The 2010 Invasion will be on June 17-20, 2010!

in Carthage, Missouri.


Every year we have some questions from fellow VW enthusiasts bringing their Type 1, Type 2, or Thing to the Invason. The "TYPE 3 INVASION" appreciates your enthusiasm. However, this is a 'different' type of event. In the course of a summer the T-2 crowd has their "Buses By the Bridge" in Havasu, and "The Bulli Brigade", in Florida, and as usual there are many events for T-1's to join, like the VW Classic, Sacramento Bug O Rama and Octo and on and so forth. But since the T-3 is one of the orphans of the VW world, this is a get together for T-3's only. You are welcome to come and see all the various T-3's, including possibly some even more rare T-34's, but T-1's and T-2's are not 'invited' to the Invasion as such. We hope you will understand.

Finally, remember what the original focus of the Type 3 Invasions is... Show up at a smallish town, meet other Type 3 people with a common interest, enjoy building a kindred bond with said other people, enjoy each others company and cars, maybe even learn something new at one of the tech sessions, and most of all, just relax! The Invasion is NOT a judged car show. Just a friendly gathering.

So, make plans, save up vacation time and get your kicks on Route 66 to Carthage, MO in 2010!

>>>Last Updated: May 12, 2010.<<< - - >>>

Please e-mail Brian Fye with any comments or suggestions regarding the Invasion.

Please e-mail John Jaranson with any comments or suggestions regarding the website.